Woke early this morning having to give the final measurements for the kayagum to Dan at Phillycase.com
He is amazing. I am having him build a custom case for the kayagum so I can take it along to Russia and it must be under 80 inches, width + length + depth. Dan had it at 88 inches and now he has it under 80 with full padding. Quite a task. But now I will be mobile with the precious instrument and can take it far and wide.
Here is a photo of me in the 90s in the Kayagum class of Ok Ja Paik in Woodland Hills. I am second from the far right in the pink dress. Nevermind the preggies look - the traditional dress is like that no matter how big your girth! Notice I am the only Westerner....eek. You can't buy these instruments here; I rented one from my teacher for a long time. Finally in the 2000s I went to Korea and bought my own Kayagum. This is the one I am having the case made for....
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